20 Seconds of Courage

“Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage.  Just literally 20 seconds of embarrassing bravery and I promise you something great will come of it.”

Today was a good day to have a good day.  What started out as an ordinary day of routine ended with a day of pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and going against my own ordinary.  You see, I am my own worst enemy.  I convince myself that I cannot do things.  I let my fear control my actions which leads me to sitting back to watch others live boldly rather than living it myself.  I have such so much adventure in my soul and I long for the thrill of things.  In the end though, I make up excuses as to why I should NOT do something rather than why I SHOULD.  But not today.  Today was the day I did something to make me proud of myself.

These people below are two people that I have never seen nor will probably ever see again.  But these two are two of the most important factors in my new found whimsy.  Let me tell you why.


As I was sitting in Starbucks drinking my Iced Caramel Macchiato with my three best friends, I spotted the guy through the window.  My friends and I found ourselves staring through the window at this guy.  We were being typical girls and marveling at his looks and wanting to know more about him.  That typically happens and that is usually when the conversation ends.  But not this time.  I jokingly suggested that I should go outside and ask him if I could interview him for a new blog I started.  I would tell him that I started a blog to interview people and take their picture to get a glimpse in to common people’s lives.  Like I said, I JOKINGLY suggested it.  My friends however did not take this as a joke.



“You have nothing to lose!!!”

My fear told me that I had everything to lose but my heart told me that I should do something that I normally tell myself that I could never do.  Me being me, I contemplated this for 30+ minutes.  I acted as if this was the most nerve wrecking decision of my life.  Isn’t that ridiculous? I was scared to talk to another human.  That’s when I decided to kick my fear to the side and take approximately 10 shaky steps to the outdoor lounge of Starbucks.  There was no going back now.

After awkwardly interrupting this boy and the girl beside him, I sat down to ask these two a few questions, because why not?  My passion is people and sitting with two strangers for five minutes pumped me up.

So meet these two.  I wish I could tell you their names, but I don’t know them.  I was so nervous that asking their names like a normal human being completely slipped my mind.  I jumped right in to it.  So since we don’t know their names, we will call them “boy” and “girl.”  I learned that girl used to go to high school at my rival school and that boy is from South Africa.  Yes, South Africa!!!  The whole time my friends and I were observing from afar, we were joking about whether he went to UGA or UNC due to his contradicting outfit choice.  South Africa is the last of what I would have guessed.  The more you know.  I assumed they were dating, but wanted to make sure before asking them about relationships because that would just be weird.  Boy and Girl are engaged!!!  That was the best moment.  Watching them look at each other and then back at me.  Of course I asked them what they love about the other.  Girl loves that boy let’s her do her own thing.  She says that he is giving and care free whereas she is very type A.  Boy loves that girl is “very driven. She is such a hard worker and the most caring girl [he knows.”]……”and she’s beautiful.” He said after taking a short pause to look at her.

Though this conversation was short and (very) sweet, it was what I needed.  I have a hard time being bold and finding my whimsy.  But with help of three of my best friends and two strangers, I found what I love.  I love people.  I love stories.  I love to do things that make me uncomfortable.

Nervous feelings are the worst.  But the feelings after doing what makes you scared are the best.  You’ve accomplished something from within.  You have conquered your fear and opened up a new perspective!  Whether this fear be getting on a roller coaster or going somewhere unknown or texting that boy/girl or going for that job or simply striking up a conversation with somebody in a coffee shop, doing something about this fear may be what changes your outlook on things.  Conquering this fear may be what stops you from holding yourself back to endless possibilities.

Jesus tells us in Isaiah 41 to not fear because he is with us.  He says, “do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I  will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.”  This is what gets me through day to day life.  This is what lead me to taking those 10 steps outside to talk with boy and girl.  This is what is going to lead me through going to college over 800 miles away from home.  Jesus does not want us to be scared!  He wants us to live a life of adventure and FUN.  He does not want us to hold ourselves back because we are scared.  He wants us to do what makes us scared with the reassurance that he is with us and for us!  He wants us to have 20 seconds of insane courage.

So here is to new perspectives.  And here is to new adventures, big and little.

6 thoughts on “20 Seconds of Courage

  1. Hi! I am “girl”. Someone recognized me in the picture and shared this blog with me. I wanted to message you to tell you how proud I am of you for coming up to us! You seemed nervous but you did it! I think that is admirable. Keep it up! And yes, I agree – “boy” is pretty handsome! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sweet Caroline, my hero! I’m so proud & full after reading this. It makes me miss you. We bought a zoo is one of my favorite movies, I often recite “20 seconds” before I do something crazy. I love you, & I’m so proud to call you friend. Thank you for starting a blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Our dear Caroline,
    We are so proud of you for stepping outside your comfort zone…and are really not surprised.
    And, proud of your faith walk and willingness to follow God’s will…and proud for and of your parents (our sister and brother-in-love) for their leadership and investment into your life.
    May God continue to move in and through you whether you are in Tennessee or Texas and wherever His next steps for you may be.
    We love you very much,
    Gil (Big Guy) and Judy

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